Good idea or not? Honda XR100 snow conversion? - snow bracket for honda pilot
I have an idea crazy enough for my XR100 mixer and I go for the supermoto track. I have some very thick aluminum remains in my shed and took the idea to take a break to provide a ski (or two) on the front. (I'm in Illinois and snow) in the coming months. On the back I thought about sticking out dust from old tires and get a few screws, large ice edges. What could fall while trying to mount it on a frozen lake a few inches of snow? Is it stable? Which is better: one or two skis in the front?
Sounds fun. I would like to respond to the idea if you keep trying a temporary Ski experement somehow attached to the front wheel. In fact, if you find a way to save, without removing the rear because it would be easier to switch on and off.
In both cases, however, good luck!
Have fun with it. The worst that will happen is likely that you are trying to enjoy it, make it work.
My vote:
Theres some cool video on youtube and they have to submit all 1 ski. Looks like some fun in the snow Bashin. go for it. See if you can get an old ductape snowmobile skis in the front wheel. Sounds like fun to me.
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